1st HYMS and HEY NHS Trust Rehabilitation Day Conference
Event Dates and Prices
Thursday 4th October 2018
8.30am – 4.45pm
Exercise/Physical Activities and Rehabilitation Technology
This first Rehabilitation Day Conference is being hosted by HEY HNS Trust and Hull York Medical School and is being held in the Canham Turner conference facility at the University of Hull.
Sponsored by Merz Pharma UK, the day is open to all Consultants, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Allied Health Professionals, Commissioners, Community and Private Neuro-Rehab teams and includes both a comprehensive and varied range of presentations together with technology stands and hands-on workshops.
Registration is free of charge and delegates wishing to attend should please register here and select at registration their two preferred afternoon workshops. Workshop spaces will be available on a first come, first served basis.
This meeting has been sponsored by Merz Pharma UK
The following workshops will be running and can be selected on the booking form.
1A) "FeetMe - Gait Analysis Wearables: Rehabilitation with Biofeedback"
Alexis Mathieu, CEO and Co-Founder, FeetMe
1B) Rehametrics – Bridging the Gaps in Rehabilitation with Physical and Cognitive VR
Mr Matt White, Clinical Operations Manager, Cyclone Technologies Ltd
- Familiarise delegates with virtual reality and gamification within rehab
- Enable delegates to understand the scope of VR using the available evidence base
- Demonstrate the objective outcomes that can be drawn from the Rehametrics Platform
- Enable delegates to experience the application of Rehametrics for physical and cognitive rehabilitation
1C) Supporting the Neurorehabilitation journey through gamification and virtual reality
Mark Rooker, Key Account Product Specialist, MindMaze
MindMaze has developed a breakthrough computing platform for intuitive human-machine interfaces using the power of neuroscience, artificial intelligence and mixed reality.
The MindMotion™ platform provides motivating gamified activities built on evidence-based neurorehabilitation principles, designed to increase rehab dose and intensity early post neurological insult.
The MindMotion™ PRO is approved by the FDA and helps to increase the rehabilitation dose cost-effectively.
The MindMotion™ GO is a portable solution to engage patients in continuing therapy as they transition from hospital to home.
1D) Virtual Reality, Gamification and its applications
Jon Purdy, Manager, Hull Immersive Visualisation Environment (HIVE), University of Hull
Workshop on the potential of virtual and augmented reality in rehabilitation.
1E) E-LINK – a Supportive Resource for Stroke Rehabilitation
Ruth Seddon, E-LINK Clinical Specialist, Biometrics Ltd
- Facilitates early focused exercise from a tiny flicker of muscle activity even where there is no visible joint movement
- Promotes progressive, gradable exercise for the upper and lower extremities
- Exciting, motivational Activities (“games”) help address perceptual and cognitive issues
- Offers evaluation for weight-bearing balance, grip, pinch and force applied during Manual Muscle Testing
- Progress reports are easily generated and data readily exported for audit and research purposes
2A) "FeetMe - Gait Analysis Wearables: Rehabilitation with Biofeedback"
Alexis Mathieu, CEO and Co-Founder, FeetMe
2B) Rehametrics – Bridging the Gaps in Rehabilitation with Physical and Cognitive VR
Mr Matt White, Clinical Operations Manager, Cyclone Technologies Ltd
- Familiarise delegates with virtual reality and gamification within rehab
- Enable delegates to understand the scope of VR using the available evidence base
- Demonstrate the objective outcomes that can be drawn from the Rehametrics Platform
- Enable delegates to experience the application of Rehametrics for physical and cognitive rehabilitation
2C) Supporting the Neurorehabilitation journey through gamification and virtual reality
Mark Rooker, Key Account Product Specialist, MindMaze
MindMaze has developed a breakthrough computing platform for intuitive human-machine interfaces using the power of neuroscience, artificial intelligence and mixed reality.
The MindMotion™ platform provides motivating gamified activities built on evidence-based neurorehabilitation principles, designed to increase rehab dose and intensity early post neurological insult.
The MindMotion™ PRO is approved by the FDA and helps to increase the rehabilitation dose cost-effectively.
The MindMotion™ GO is a portable solution to engage patients in continuing therapy as they transition from hospital to home.
2D) Virtual Reality, Gamification and its applications
Jon Purdy, Manager, Hull Immersive Visualisation Environment (HIVE), University of Hull
Workshop on the potential of virtual and augmented reality in rehabilitation.
2E) E-LINK – a Supportive Resource for Stroke Rehabilitation
Ruth Seddon, E-LINK Clinical Specialist, Biometrics Ltd
- Facilitates early focused exercise from a tiny flicker of muscle activity even where there is no visible joint movement
- Promotes progressive, gradable exercise for the upper and lower extremities
- Exciting, motivational Activities (“games”) help address perceptual and cognitive issues
- Offers evaluation for weight-bearing balance, grip, pinch and force applied during Manual Muscle Testing
- Progress reports are easily generated and data readily exported for audit and research purposes