Leeds City Council The Virtual School Conference and Exhibition 2023

Event Dates and Prices

Friday 3rd February 2023

8.30am – 3.15pm



“Ladies and gentlemen, please put on your own oxygen mask before helping others”

We are delighted to be working with Leeds City Council Virtual School and to once again be returning to a face to face conference on Friday 3rd February 2023 at Elland Road.   The event is open to all designated teachers, safeguarding leads, SENCos and school leaders and we are pleased to be welcoming Jaz Ampaw-Farr as keynote speaker. 

In recognition of the challenges of the last two years, the Conference will also include a programme of workshops offering a range of approaches to thinking about staff well-being, resilience and being present, available and ready to meet the needs and challenges of children and young people.

A full programme with workshop details can be found here and delegates are asked to register using the button below and note that workshops are offered on a first come, first served basis. Those companies wishing to take an exhibition stand at the event are asked to contact us as soon as possible to reserve their space.

Registration now closed.


Leeds United Football Club, Elland Road, Leeds LS11 0ES




  • Designated Teachers and Designated Safeguarding from All Leeds schools are entitled to a complimentary place (maximum of three delegates per school)
  • Designated Teachers for any school in another local authority with at least one Leeds looked after child on roll i.e. you are in receipt of a Pupil Premium Plus allocation from the Virtual School in Leeds are entitled to a complimentary place.
  • Schools outside Leeds who don’t have a Leeds looked after child on roll or for any other services/providers that are not schools, the cost per delegate is £150.

Event Speakers

- Jaz Ampaw-Farr

- Jaz Ampaw-Farr

Jaz is a ‘resilience ninja’, international speaker, coach and author. Hailed in the US as ‘The British Oprah’, Jaz has travelled the world advising governments, educators and helping tens of thousands of people with her bespoke leadership development programmes, training courses and motivational speeches. As a successful entrepreneur, mum of three, and former teacher - she knows a thing or two about galvanising people into taking action! With a passion for resilience, positive disruption, and a human-first approach to everything, Jaz’s energy is infectious and you can’t help but become mesmerised and fall under her captivating spell.
Annette Bradley

Annette Bradley

Annette has worked in the education health, safety and wellbeing sector for 20 years and co-manages the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team supporting schools in Leeds. Annette sees working to improve the physical, emotional and mental well-being of staff as an integral part of her role and that of the team, and mental health is an issue particularly close to her heart.
Deborah Park

Deborah Park

Deborah/Debs is an experienced Headteacher, SenCo and Designated teacher in Leeds. She is currently one half of the Headteacher Support Service at Leeds City Council, supporting senior leaders across the city with their wellbeing. She is a trained coach and is currently completing a PG Cert in Personal and Business Coaching.
Dr Anna Turner

Dr Anna Turner

Dr Anna Turner is a Senior Educational Psychologist who has worked in Leeds Educational Psychology Team for the last 13 years. She has an interim part-time role as education co-lead for the development of a trauma-informed practice integrated resource team. This team will work with the partnership of services for children, young people and families in Leeds to help realise the ambition of the Compassionate Leeds Strategy, focussing on trauma awareness, prevention and response.
Nicola Engel-Khan

Nicola Engel-Khan

Nicola worked for Leeds City Council for 30 years, latterly as the lead for the ambition for Leeds to become a Child Friendly City. As well as promoting the development of the ambassador network, and working to embed child friendly policies across council departments and partner organisations, Nicola lead on the development of a range of projects and offers aimed at enhancing the life experiences of children in care, their foster carers and care leavers. During this time Nicola also trained to be a psychotherapist and increasingly used psychological ideas to inform thinking about the needs of these groups and the difficulties they may face. In particular she launched an attachment theory informed mentoring programme to support care leavers to achieve a university education and make a successful transition into employment. Since retiring from the local authority in 2020 Nicola has pursued a career as a therapist in private practice. Working predominantly with adults, Nicola’s approach is informed by a variety of theories, including attachment theory, which help to explore how our early relationships, experiences and environment shape our adult selves and give insight into our ‘inner world’. Nicola has also undertaken specific training on the impacts of trauma in order to support clients develop a greater capacity for emotional self-regulation. Nicola frequently works with professionals in the education sector and uses learning informed by Prof. Dan Siegal’s ‘Window of Tolerance’ model and Sally Rose’s workable range model to support those she works with to regain their emotional balance.
Sally Rose

Sally Rose

Sally Rose is an attachment-based psychotherapist who leads the Staff Counselling and Psychological Support Service at the University of Leeds. She specialises in applying attachment and trauma-informed theory and practice to working adults . As a workplace counsellor her work brings psychological understanding to individuals, roles at work, working relationships, teams and the wider work setting. Working in an educational setting this extends to optimizing the relational conditions for study and learning and actively reducing barriers and Sally’s approach is highly relevant to school-based staff.
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Event Exhibitors

AC Education
Commando Joe's
Community Playthings
Education DESTY
Go Higher West Yorkshire
Leeds City Council - Health and Wellbeing Service
Leeds City Council Fostering - Foster4Leeds
Leeds City Council Independent Visitor Scheme
Playtime by Fawns
SAAF Education
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