Leeds for Learning Annual 2019 Primary and Secondary English and Literacy Conference and Exhibition

Event Dates and Prices

Friday 22nd November 2019

8.00am – 3.30pm



“Reading in the curriculum”

The 2019 Leeds English and Literacy Conference will be a day of professional learning which senior leaders, subject leaders, lead practitioners, teachers and governors cannot afford to miss.  The day will be full of innovative opportunities to consider how to teach reading comprehension throughout the curriculum and foster a love of reading. We are excited to welcome three keynote speakers; Mary Myatt – education adviser, writer and speaker with her latest book being ‘The Curriculum – gallimaufry to coherence’, Tony Whatmuff – National Trainer for Inference Training –improving reading comprehension in Primary and Secondary schools and Gary Wilson, one of the country’s leading experts on raising boys’ achievement. 

The keynotes will address how to improve our children’s understanding of reading, the importance of applying reading skills across the curriculum and how to plan a reading curriculum in the light of the revised Ofsted framework.  The Conference will also include a comprehensive programme of workshops facilitated by the keynote speakers, local and regional school practitioners and independent organisations. 

All of this will take place amongst the excellent facilities of Elland Road Stadium, Leeds and will be hosted by Leeds City Council School Improvement Team, who have a proven track record of delivering high impact professional learning.

Alongside the Conference, a range of companies and organisations supplying to both Primary and Secondary Education will be displaying their products and services. This event is likely to be very popular and companies wishing to exhibit are urged to book their space as soon as possible. Please view the list of those exhibitors already participating and contact us should you be a Company wishing to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to promote your activity in this marketplace.


Leeds United Football Club, Elland Road, Leeds LS11 0ES

Delegates are requested to register using the ‘delegate registration’ button to the left of this page and to select ONE workshop in each of the sessions. Workshops will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and, in the event of a workshop being full, delegates will be asked to choose alternatives.

The cost per Primary delegate is £195 for those from SLA Schools and £240 for those from non SLA and non Leeds schools.  Additional full day delegate places from the same school are £100 SLA and £120 non SLA.  The Leading English Training Package schools have one prepaid place. 

Secondary Leading Learning Partnership (LLP) schools have one prepaid place at this event and will be charged at the discounted rate of £100 for all additional delegate places.  Secondary non LLP and non Leeds schools will be charged £240 per delegate and £120 for all additional places from the same school.

Delegates registering before Friday 18th October 2019 will receive an additional Early Bird 10% discount on the first delegate place; £175.50 for SLA schools and £216 for non SLA and non Leeds schools.

Schools will be invoiced directly from Leeds City Council following registration on this site.


The following workshops will be running and can be selected on the booking form.

1A. Getting Creative with your Reading (Primary)

Farsley Springbank and Pudsey Southroyd

Come to this workshop if you would like to make the most of the School Library Service’s Leeds Book Awards books and learn about some tried and tested ideas that can be adapted for your children and your school.

The selected books referenced in the workshop are from the Awards shortlist and have been used by Leeds schools to develop reading skills and foster a deeper love of reading.

You will hear how the schools introduced the books, developed core skills and made cross-curricular links. You will hear how the children responded and what they found the most motivating and appealing.

What you will get out of it: Tried and tested ideas that can be adapted for your children. A focus on using books to encourage creativity.

Day: Friday
Time: 11:10 am
Duration: 1 Hour

1B. Cracking the Comprehension code in Upper KS2

Therese O’Sullivan, Chris O’Malley & Beth Moores – UKS2 and Primary Leaders

Who is it for: Teachers in upper KS2 and English Leaders

This workshop will cover approaches to teaching reading including whole class as well as smaller guided group sessions. There will be a specific focus on teaching vocabulary to support closing the gap for disadvantaged, EAL & SEN pupils. Participating teachers will receive a bank of practice comprehensions which cover the full range of reading skills linked to content domains and will support effective preparation for the SAT’s test. Chris & Beth from Carr Manor Community School will share examples of good practice from their experience of participating in the project and a range of pupil books will be available to illustrate what the work looks like in practice. They will also share how this project has impacted on school-wide practice in reading.

What you will get out of it: A range of ideas, approaches and resources to support effective preparation for KS2 SATs reading comprehension test which can also be adapted to enhance whole school approaches to teaching reading.

Day: Friday
Time: 11:10 am
Duration: 1 Hour

1C. Grand Designs: How to build a an effective and vibrant reading curriculum in your school (Primary)

Becky Wilson, Assistant Head Teacher, Shakespeare Primary School

Finding the right reading model that works for your school is often a daunting and endless task. This session will share how a large inner city primary school has used EEF research, Local Authority CPD and other reading programs to develop a whole school consistent and effective approach to the teaching of reading. It will provide helpful pointers for whole school improvement as well as some ‘take away’ reading activities that can be put to work immediately. 

Here’s what Ofsted had to say:

‘Reading suffuses the life of the school. Pupils spoke with us enthusiastically about the high profile that reading has at the school. You have worked very effectively to develop reading across the school. Working with the whole staff, you have embedded a shared approach and attitude to reading that recognises the vital role it plays in pupils’ learning success and pleasure. This approach is rooted in ensuring that pupils are not only skilled readers but also that, through access to a wide range of books and texts of quality, they develop a love of reading. We heard pupils talking animatedly and with real enthusiasm about the wide range of texts and books that were available for them to read and enjoy. They were well versed, for example, in understanding the power of inference in the hands of a skilled writer.’

-Ofsted 2019

Day: Friday
Time: 11:10 am
Duration: 1 Hour

1D. Raising Boys' Achievement: Closing the Gap (Primary)

Gary Wilson 

Who is it for: Primary Subject Leaders, Primary Head Teachers, Senior Leaders & Governors

In this session, Gary discusses breaking through the barriers to boys’ achievement in reading and offers effective strategies for breaking through other barriers to boys’ achievement.

What you will get out of it: Practical ideas for ways to motivate/engage boys and close the attainment gap.

Day: Friday
Time: 11:10 am
Duration: 1 Hour

1E. A Knowledge Rich Curriculum for English (Secondary)

Mary Myatt

Who is it for: Secondary English Subject Leaders

This session will consider:

  • What we mean by ‘knowledge rich’
  • How we consider building a strong hinterland for pupils at key stage 3
  • Models of ensuring depth and challenge at key stage 3 to ensure high outcomes at GCSE
  • The importance of interleaving, underpinned by concepts to ensure learning in the long term memory
  • How to differentiate by planning for the top and supporting through talk
  • How building a knowledge rich curriculum addresses Ofsted’s focus on a broad and balanced curriculum, beyond exam preparation.

Day: Friday
Time: 11:10 am
Duration: 1 Hour

2A. KEYNOTE - Making the Invisible Visible (Primary)

Tony Whatmuff

Who is it for: Teachers KS1 and 2

Both effective listeners and readers use a core of in the moment strategies to build meaning and enjoyment. This key note unpacks the strategies used and provides examples of materials  that can be used across the curriculum to promote active listening and reading. Participants can take away and share back at school , some  resources to help listeners and  readers build meaning and enjoyment.

Day: Friday
Time: 1:15 pm
Duration: 1 Hour

2B. KEYNOTE - Raising Boys' Achievement: Closing the Gap (Secondary)

Gary Wilson

Who is it for: Secondary Subject Leaders

In this session, Gary discusses breaking through the barriers to boys’ achievement in reading and offers effective strategies for breaking through other barriers to boys’ achievement.

Day: Friday
Time: 1:15 pm
Duration: 1 Hour

3A. Talk Like a Text (Primary)

Tony Whatmuff

Who is it for: Teachers KS1 and 2

Opportunities for children to talk, both like a text and about a text, can play a key role in helping children to understand and enjoy their reading. We examine a range of practical classroom approaches to help children talk in the classroom and provide some resources for participants to take away and try. The workshop includes how to teach children to tell stories and use graphic organisers to talk like a text. We also focus on simple and engaging ways we can ask children to share their reading and thinking strategies in partner or small group contexts.

What you will get out of it: An outline of best practice ways we can develop children’s ability to talk both like a text and about texts, and an opportunity to take away some classroom resources to try out.

Day: Friday
Time: 2:30 pm
Duration: 1 Hour

3B. Getting Creative with your Reading (Primary)

Allerton C of E Primary & Great Preston Primary School 

Come to this workshop if you would like to make the most of the School Library Service’s Leeds Book Awards books and learn about some tried and tested ideas that can be adapted for your children and your school.

The selected books referenced in the workshop are from the Awards shortlist and have been used by Leeds schools to develop reading skills and foster a deeper love of reading.

You will hear how the schools introduced the books, developed core skills and made cross-curricular links. You will hear how the children responded and what they found the most motivating and appealing.

What you will get out of it: Tried and tested ideas that can be adapted for your children. A focus on using books to encourage creativity.


Day: Friday
Time: 2:30 pm
Duration: 1 Hour

3C. Leading Reading in the Early Years

Helen Whitehouse, Learning Improvement and Local Schools

Who is it for: Literacy Leaders & Early Years Leaders

Effective reading leadership in the early years requires a clear understanding of how to apply current outstanding research informed practice.  You will hear how schools have achieved improved outcomes through impactful leadership and developing early reading skills with a solid foundation rooted in the knowledge of their local community.

What you will get out of it: A clear sense of how to support and challenge early years colleagues in improving practice, and to advance knowledge and understanding of good early years practice.

Day: Friday
Time: 2:30 pm
Duration: 1 Hour

3D. Raising Boys' Achievement: Closing the Gap (Primary)

Gary Wilson

Who is it for: Primary Subject Leaders, Primary Head Teachers, Senior Leaders & Governors

In this session, Gary discusses breaking through the barriers to boys’ achievement in reading and offers effective strategies for breaking through other barriers to boys’ achievement.

What you will get out of it: Practical ideas for ways to motivate/engage boys and close the attainment gap.


Day: Friday
Time: 2:30 pm
Duration: 1 Hour

3E. Building an effective and vibrant reading curriculum in your school (Secondary)

Helen Shaw and Ella Erskine, Learning and Teaching Specialists, Becky Wilson, Assistant Head Teacher Shakespeare Primary and Vicky Smith, Deputy Head Teacher, Cockburn School

Who is it for: Secondary Subject Leaders

Finding the right reading model that works for your school is often a daunting and endless task. This session will share how highly successful inner city schools have used evidence informed strategies to develop a whole school consistent and effective approach to the teaching of reading. It will provide helpful pointers for whole school improvement as well as some ‘take away’ reading activities that can be put to work immediately.

Day: Friday
Time: 2:30 pm
Duration: 1 Hour

Event Speakers

Gary Wilson

Gary Wilson

As a teacher for over 27 years, Gary Wilson has led award-winning campaigns, written several books and delivered training in hundreds of schools on the issue of raising boys’ achievement. Gary endorses the power of the whole-school approach to motivate boys to achieve their full potential.
Tony Whatmuff

Tony Whatmuff

Tony is an author and trainer with 25 years of teaching experience, working with KS1-3 pupils in London, Lancashire and Leicester. For the last 15 years he has been a literacy specialist, working in schools across the UK and with UCL and Oxford University Press. He is the National Trainer of Inference Training-a 20 lesson group intervention designed to boost reading comprehension based on the work of Professor Jane Oakhill and Nicola Yuill. Tony is interested in classroom strategies which improve reading comprehension and enjoyment, and place youngsters in the centre of this process so that they develop a clear self-view of the task and themselves as readers. Effective reading comprehension is a key feature of academic success both across the curriculum and beyond school in training and work. Evidence suggests that successful readers have a clear view of the processes involved in reading and an accurate view of themselves as readers. His presentation will explore practical classroom strategies to make explicit to youngsters the how of reading across the curriculum, and ways to help readers acquire a clear view of themselves and aspects they might improve. The presentation will include DVD classroom clips and sample materials for participants to try out.
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Event Exhibitors

Cambridge University Press
Hodder Education
Hope Education
KRCS Group
Leeds for Learning
Leeds School Library Service
Literacy Counts
Literary Curriculum
Mighty Writer
Newell Brands
Schofield & Sims
The Literacy Company
Wesleyan Financial Services
Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation
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