London Borough of Waltham Forest Aspiring Leadership Conference & Exhibition
Event Dates and Prices
Thursday 12th October 2023
We are delighted to be organising this Aspiring Leadership Conference & Exhibition for the London Borough of Waltham Forest.
The event will be taking place at the London Chigwell Prince Regent Hotel chosen for its excellent facilities and convenient location and will include both a Conference with three eminent keynote speakers and an exhibition of education suppliers.
The Conference is open to all Deputy and Assistant Headteachers in the Borough, and we will be welcoming Viv Grant, Entrepreneur, Author & Leadership Coach, Laura Drury, Consultant, Laughology & Happy-Centred Schools and Halil Tamgumus, Headteacher, Braunstone Community Primary School as keynote speakers. A full programme will be available here once finalised.
The cost per person to attend is £250 inc. VAT and includes accommodation, dinner & refreshments throughout the day. An option to attend excluding accommodation is available at £125 inc. VAT. Delegates should please register below to attend.
Education suppliers wishing to take a stand at this event should kindly contact us as soon as possible to secure their place.
London Chigwell Prince Regent Hotel, Manor Road, Chigwell, Essex IG8 8AE